Randomised,Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, International, Multicentre, Phase III Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Ticagrelor and ASA Compared with ASA in the Prevention of Stroke and Death in Patients with Acute Ischaemic Stoke

Lead PI:  Prof. Stephen Davis 

Status: Completed 

No. of Patients Currently Recruited: 11,074                      No. of Patients Required: 11,000

THALES  is a global phase III study of Tricagrelor/placebo and ASA in stroke and transient ischaemic attack. Australia recruited 54 patients across 6 sites, with the last patient enrolled on 25-Sep-20019. Globally 11,000 patients were recruited, and the planned database lock is 14-Jan-2020.

Trial URL:

24 June 2021