A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled,Dose-Response Efficacy and Safety Study of MLC1501 in Patients with Stroke
Lead PI: A/Prof Christopher CHEN Li Hsian
Participating Australian and New Zealand Sites: TBD
Status: ASTN endorsed, Feasibility, and Site Selection
No. of Patients Currently Recruited: 0 No. of Patients Required: 540
MAEStro is a multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study of MLC1501 in patients with stroke. MLC1501 is a combination of 4 herbal components. These 4 are a subset of the nine herbs which compose MLC901, commercialized in 342 countries and sold as NeuroAiD II (a first generation Traditional Chinese Medicine). This study has a primary objective to determine the effect of MLC1501 on functional recovery as measured by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 24 weeks in patients with stroke. Its secondary objective is to determine the effect of MLC1501 on motor recovery as measured by the Fugl-Meyer motor Assessment (FMA) total score at 24 weeks in patients with stroke.
ASTN are working with the client currently to provide further feasibility and budget information and an expression of interest will be circulated shortly. If you are interested, you can register your interest early by contacting admin@astn.net.au