Ultra-Early, Minimally inVAsive intraCerebral Haemorrhage evacUATion Versus Standard trEatment
Lead PI: Prof Timothy Kleinig
Status: ASTN endorsed, Site selection, Recruiting
No. of Patients Currently Recruited: 13 No. of Patients Required: 240-434
The trial has been live for recruitment for approximately 6 months. The Alfred and Liverpool hospitals have been activated for the run-in phase (the Alfred currently on pause). A number of additional sites are very close to activation.
Participating Australian and New Zealand Sites
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Alfred Hospital, Austin Hospital, Monash Medical Centre, Liverpool Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred, Westmead, John Hunter Hospital, Royal Brisbane & Womens, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner (Auckland)(Wellington)
Trial URL:
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04434807